Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
Ten Stories That Worried My Mother by Winona Kent
/in Guest Blogger/by Sydney Leigh/ Lynn McPhersonI’m excited to welcome Winona Kent to the blog today. I served on the board of Crime Writers of Canada with Winona. She is a great writer and has a super new anthology out. Read on to hear more about it… TEN STORIES THAT WORRIED MY MOTHER by Winona Kent Earlier this year I decided […]
Recognizing a Character’s Name in a Mystery Story
/in Mystery, Paula Gail Benson, Sherlock Holmes, Short Stories/by Paula Bensonby Paula Gail Benson Barb Goffman, whose stories have been finalists for exactly forty national crime awards, will be celebrating two nominations at San Diego’s Bouchercon. Her story “Beauty and the Beyotch,” already the winner of the Agatha Award at Malice Domestic, is among those nominated for the Anthony and Macavity. Originally written for a […]
Designated Parking
/in Barbara J Eikmeier, Uncategorized/by Barbara EikmeierBy Barbara J Eikmeier It’s back-to-school-time which means it’s time to paint the high school parking lot AGAIN. An annual tradition at our local high school, it’s a senior privilege. My children didn’t attend this school, so I’m strictly an observer of the annual changing of the guard in the school parking lot – a […]
Discrimination against Left-Handed People? Really?
/in Donnell Ann Bell, The Stiletto Gang/by Donnell Ann Bellby Donnell Ann Bell An article on the History of Left-handed People caught my eye yesterday and after reading it, I felt so strongly about it I decided to include it in today’s Stiletto Gang blog. The article states myriad ways left-handed people have been discriminated against, particularly before the 20th century. I’m right-handed and […]
Next Stop: The Islands
/in Author Life, Cozy Mysteries, Detective, Mystery, Novels/by Bethany MainesAhhhh…. The Islands Sounds so dreamy and vacation-y, doesn’t it? I’m working on book four of my San Juan Islands Mystery series. A book that I have been swearing that I will get to for about three years. And I’m finally doing it! And good lordy do I hate the islands. It’s not vacation. It’s […]