Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
Special Guest: Kari Lee Townsend
/in Uncategorized/by Mary Lee Ashfordby Sparkle Abbey Today we’d like to welcome our friend Kari Lee Townsend to the blog. She’s going to tell you a bit about herself and share some info about the book she’s working on as well as what she has coming up. Welcome Kari! Hi there. My name is Kari Lee Townsend, and I’m […]
Clicking Our Heels – When We Know Our Writing is Good
/in Clicking Our Heels, How to Write, Inspiration, The Stiletto Gang, Writing and the Arts/by DebraLynn McPherson – If it makes me laugh, I like to think it could make someone else laugh, too. Gay Yellen – If it makes me laugh, or feel sad, or touches me in the way I want it to touch readers, I’m guessing it will work. Lois Winston – Having previously spent more than […]
Guilty About Reading Genre?
/in Author Life, Book events, Kathryn Lane, Mystery, Nikki Garcia Mystery Series, Novels, Series/by Kathryn LaneHave you ever felt guilty for reading a cozy, a mystery, or a romantic novel instead of delving into one of the great books, like Homer’s Iliad or Proust’s Swan Way or a classic like Virginia Wolf’s A Room of One’s Own? I grew up in northern Mexico and I attended a fantastic high school […]
The Right Way to Worry –by T.K. Thorne
/in Uncategorized/by TK ThorneThere’s a lot to worry about. The world is on fire. Literally and figuratively. It’s not the first time, of course, even though it feels like a unique crossroads of time. I grew up under the threat of nuclear winter and the extinction of life on Earth. My family discussed what to do should the […]
July 2023 Summertime in Southern Colorado By Juliana Cha Cha de Cochiti Pueblo, New Mexico de la cruz Aragón Fatula
/in Uncategorized/by Juliana Aragon FatulaDear Reader, This is the story that I want to write and read. Something no one else can write. Only I can tell this story. It is my story about two talented Chicanas from Pueblo, Colorado who solve crimes and mysteries and run Emma’s Recovery House for women and children. L.A. and Eva Mondragón Private […]