Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
Summertime…and the TBR pile is calling!
/in Author Life, Book Clubs, Cozy Mysteries, Lois Winston, Novels, Summer Reads/by Lois WinstonBy Lois Winston A Crafty Collage of Crime, the 12th book in my Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery Series, released six weeks ago. After a multi-week blog tour to promote the book, I’ve now officially entered the period I call “me” time, a mini-vacation I permit myself after each new book leaves the security of the […]
Macavity, Shamus, and Silver Falchion Short Story (and Other) Award Nominations
/in Detective, Mystery, Paula Gail Benson, Short Stories/by Paula Bensonby Paula Gail Benson The nominations for Macavity Awards, Shamus Awards, and Silver Falchion Awards have been announced for best short story or best short story collection or anthology. The Macavity Award is named for the “mystery cat” of T.S. Eliot (Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats). Each year the members of Mystery Readers International […]
Where do ideas come from?
/in Author Life, Book events, How to Write, Joyce Woollcott/by Joyce WoollcottWHERE DO IDEAS COME FROM? by Joyce Woollcott I wonder, I really do, where ideas come from. Not just ideas for books and short stories and magazine articles, but ideas in all creative fields. Artists, painters, sculptors, potters, movie makers, song writers––anyone at all who creates original content. Of course I do wonder more about […]
Perfect Sense: A Short Collection of Flashbacks
/in Author Life, Barbara J Eikmeier, senses/by Barbara EikmeierBy Barbara J Eikmeier It was the first really hot day of summer. My car didn’t have a chance to cool down between errands. I was hot. My car was hot. Then I stepped into the CVS pharmacy. The blast of cool air from the air conditioned store hit me at the door. In […]
Work Life Balance
/in Uncategorized/by Saralyn RichardWork Life Balance by Saralyn Richard I was recently asked in a video interview what my work-life balance looked like. I had to laugh. I’m sorry to say I’ve never perfected work-life balance, and I’ve never really tried. While I’m a perfectionist in many things, anything that requires me to pay attention to time […]