Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
A Gathering in Charleston, South Carolina
/in Author Life, Drus Book Musings, Mystery, Paula Gail Benson, Romance, Short Stories, travel/by Paula Bensonby Paula Gail Benson This year, I had been regretting my inability to attend any writing conferences. Being among writers and readers always helps to inspire and bring new ideas into focus. Not to mention, adding to my “to be read” list. A few months ago, I heard from a dear friend to so many […]
Welcome Sarah Stewart Taylor.
/in Detective, Irish Mysteries, Joyce Woollcott, Mystery, New Release/by Joyce WoollcottBy J. Woollcott This month I’m thrilled to welcome one of my favourite authors to The Stilletto Gang. Sarah Stewart Taylor. I discovered Sarah’s Maggie D’arcy books a couple of years ago and have loved every one of them. This month, Book #4 in the series comes out, A Stolen Child. @SSTaylorBooks @MinotaurBooks #MaggieDArcy #Dublin Born […]
Advance Reviews
/in Author Life, author promotion, New Release, Romance/by Bethany MainesGay Yellen: Weeding and Wording
/in Author Life, characters, Detective, How to Write, Mystery, Publishing, Romantic Suspense/by Gay YellenJust found out that today is National Weed Your Garden Day, which couldn’t be more appropriate for me at the moment, though instead of culling crabgrass, I’m weeding out words. The most common offenders I’ve dug up so far are: just, seemed, felt, but, winced, smiled, and a few other crutches a writer too often leans […]
Believable Characters and Fearless Creating
/in Book events, characters, Detective, Donnell Ann Bell, Novels, Romantic Suspense, Sale, Suspense, The Stiletto Gang/by Donnell Ann BellBy Donnell Ann Bell Happy Monday, Stiletto Gang and readers! I was notified that my third published novel is going on sale June 16 through June 30, 2023, which of course I find exciting. It also made me think about the story and all that went into it. Research, check. . .Mysterious characters, check . […]