Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
A Kiss is Still a Kiss
/in Uncategorized/by The Stiletto Gangby Ellen Byerrum First, I’d like to thank the Stiletto Gang for having me over today. It is a real pleasure to say hello and talk about what’s been going on in my neck of the woods. Happily, those woods are looking pretty good these days. The prettiest and most romantic time for Washington, D.C., […]
Don’t Knock on the Glass!
/in Uncategorized/by The Stiletto Gang“Don’t Knock on the Glass!” That was the sign taped to the emergency room office window. I stared at it for about six hours on Friday. No one knocked on the glass during the whole time I was there. I guess the sign worked. I saw a lot as I waited for news about my […]
Easter Time and the Eating is Good
/in Uncategorized/by Stiletto GangAs I read Marian’s blog on Monday, I got to thinking about the upcoming Easter festivities that will take place here this coming Sunday. We do the eggs, too, but rather than eat them and enjoy them with the meal, we’ll color them, hide them, stick them in the refrigerator after they’re found, and eventually, […]
Cop, Gangster and Me
/in Uncategorized/by The Stiletto GangActually, the cop is retired police officer Denny Griffin who is better known these days as the author of Cullotta, the Story of a Chicago Criminal and Las Vegas Gangster. I met Denny right after 9/11 when hubby and I flew back to Orlando for what was then called the Police Writers Club Conference. (Now […]
Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights?
/in Uncategorized/by The Stiletto GangIt’s that time of year again. My house smells like chicken soup. Wednesday night is the beginning of Passover. We’ll hold a seder, the feast that commemorates the Jews exodus from Egypt. I’ve been cooking and cleaning for weeks, and as I do, sweet memories of seders long ago come flooding back. I smile when […]