Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
Being Green
/in Uncategorized/by Stiletto GangTo borrow a line from my old friend, Kermit, “it’s not easy being green.” And it’s not easy going green. But dang it if we’re not giving it the good old college try in my house. I’ve been reading a lot about what it takes to have a greener household and I’m doing my best—as […]
Honoring One’s Ancestors
/in Uncategorized/by Stiletto GangYears ago, my sis did our family genealogy–and was generous enough to make a book for all of us which included copies of old photos. While reading about the family line, immediately questions popped up. On my father’s side, my great-great grandfather John Crabtree at 17 married a 12 year-old-girl. This was after the Battle […]
Rescue Annie & Me
/in Uncategorized/by Stiletto GangTen days ago I was in Omaha, Nebraska at Mayhem in the Midlands learning how to read murder crime scenes. Six days ago I was in Wagoner, Oklahoma at the Oklahoma Department of Mines learning how to save lives. The irony doesn’t escape this mystery writer. I just completed my required annual First Aid refresher […]
Oh, My Goodness!
/in Uncategorized/by The Stiletto GangNo matter how hard you go over edits or galleys, mistakes creep into our books. I don’t even have the copies of my latest, Kindred Spirits yet and I’ve found a glaring error! No, it’s not in the content of the book–this is worse. The person who actually gave me the first seed of an […]
Don’t go to Dayton in February and Other Lessons Learned on the Road
/in Uncategorized/by Stiletto GangThe Stiletto Gang is delighted to welcome Rosemary Harris. Rosemary is the author of Pushing up Daisies, the first in the Dirty Business series. Visit her website at www.rosemaryharris.com First off I should say that the folks in Dayton were wonderful. All four of them who showed up for my signing at Books and Company […]