Clicking Our Heels – Looking Forward – Seasonal Preferences
Heels – Looking Forward – Seasonal Preferences
social distancing and are limited in our interactions outdoors, we thought we’d
tell you which seasons we love – and are thinking about. We also want to tell you
how much we care about you, our readers, and hope you are staying safe and
adore autumn-the colors, the crisp air, the bright blue of an October sky.
Fatula – Spring because of gardening and growing plants from seeds gives me a
kickstart on life. Seeing baby deer being born on my front yard under my Aspen
grove opens my eyes to the mystery of the circle of life. Rain, wet earth,
birds singing, the magic of creation.
Goldstein – Summer. The warmth of the weather; the fact that people want to get
together; the joy of being at the beach or in the water; the fun of seeing
children learning to swim; the relaxation everyone feels.
Autumn – because it’s not that cold nor too hot and no allergies to deal with.
Hillyer-Miles – Summer! I like it hot. I love to have a dribble of sweat
slipping down the center of my back.
– Hands down, autumn is my favorite season. I love the child in the air, cozy
sweaters and comfort food. It’s a beautiful time of the year.
spring because of the rebirth, literally, of the natural world. I don’t mind
the rain because it feeds the plants and around here, ensures the racoons and
possums and other critters won’t die of thirst or come into my backyard looking
for water.
Spring is allergy season for me. Fall, especially in the mountains, is sheer
beauty – the golden foliage, wildlife passing through on their way to lower,
warmer territory, and the warm days and cool nights. Pure bliss.
spring, but it doesn’t love me. One of my favorite writing places is my front
porch, and I love when it gets warm enough to do that. Nature things happen
there, and I can spend hours in my rocking chair, but I pay the price with