Tag Archive for: Author Bethany Maines

The Perfect Ending

by Bethany Maines

Sci-fi season is done and I’m back to working on
mysteries!  Yay!  Something I’m utterly comfortable with and
totally know how to do.  Wait… how do you
do this again?  I think I’ve got genre
whiplash.  Can I just toss in some aliens
at the end of this thriller and solve everything?
As I plug away toward the ending on my latest WIP
(work-in-progress) I find myself struggling to find the perfect stopping point
(that doesn’t include aliens). Some genres are more forgiving of ambiguity in
an ending, but I think that across all genre’s the perfect ending is one that
feels satisfactory to the characters. I’ve read many books where it was as
though author just wandered off and their lead character is left twisting in
the wind. (Grapes of Wrath, I’m looking at you. 
Just because you couldn’t come up with more tortures for your characters
does not mean you just get to quit writing Steinbeck.) I’m all for leaving room
for character development and a sequel, but… uh… let’s have a little bit of
satisfaction for the reader and character.
And an author probably shouldn’t subvert their genre too
hard.  Hamlet is not meant to end with
Hamlet and Ophelia riding off into the sunset. 
Romances should definitely have the two main characters getting together
and mysteries should solve the damn mystery. 
Don’t betray the audiences trust just to be clever.  But that still leaves a lot of leeway.  Just HOW do I want my characters to get
together?  What’s the perfect way to expose
the murderer?  It’s like I’ve got a
choose-your-own-adventure in my head and I’m the only one who can figure out if
I’m supposed to flip to page 42 or 117. 
So wish me luck as I venture off to page 117.  Hopefully I don’t die.

3 novels, 1 low price
Welcome to the universe of Galactic Dreams, where fairy tales are reimagined for a new age—the future.

Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery SeriesSan Juan Islands MysteriesShark Santoyo Crime Series, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTubeTwitter and Facebook.

Galactic Dreaming

by Bethany Maines

The sci-fi fairy tale anthology Galactic Dreams Volume 2, featuring my novel The Seventh Swan will be released next week. Today, I’m interviewing one of the the other authors featured in the anthology: Karen Harris Tully.  Karen generally writes sci-fi YA novels, including The Faarian Chronicles trilogy, and creates elaborate worlds for her novels aided by her bachelor’s in political science and economics. We met through a mutual friend and I have had the pleasure of beta reading some of her manuscripts.

For the Galactic Dreams series, myself, Karen, and fellow Stiletto Gang author J.M. Phillippe, were given the task of creating a literary universe that could be shared across the anthology series. We have to agree on the history of the universe as well as technology and vocabulary.  Each of us is venturing into unexplored territory, whether it’s by sharing a world, trying out the sci-fi genre (that’s me!), or attempting to write on a shorter deadline than normal, the Galactic Dream series has been challenging for all of us. I’m asking Karen about some of the challenges that came with writing as part of the Galactic Dream Team.

What is the best/worst part about sharing a universe with two other writers?
KHT: Like Cerberus, three heads are simply better than one. I may come up with some good ideas, but when I’m lucky enough to put those together with the imagination brainpower of JM Phillippe and Bethany Maines, well, the stuff we come up with as a trio is mind-blowing. And when our brains flow and mesh together to create something bigger, that I never could have imagined on my own, that’s the fun part. Of course, the worst is when they don’t like my amazing ideas! As if that could ever happen, right? 😉

BMM: You have great ideas—we’re probably missing out on sheer awesomeness whenever one gets voted down.

How do you develop the technology in your books?
KHT: The ideas, you mean? They come from extrapolating real, amazing s**t that is happening right now! I am so fascinated with CRISPR gene editing for example. I love science news and listen to a lot of NPR and science podcasts. I read online articles about new tech that scientists and companies are developing that isn’t even out yet, from gadgets and tech to clean up our oceans, to weapons of the future, to tiny interstellar disk probes on shiny, laser powered sails, and pretty much everything else. I think to myself, what happens with this technology next, what does this look like in a hundred or a thousand years? And then I write it in. 
BMM: I’m interested in the tech, but I think the social ramifications of a technology become more interesting for me. I think you’re more science-minded than me. Which is beneficial.  Definitely don’t leave me in charge of the tech.

Do you think fairy tales adapt better to sci-fi than other genres (and if so, why)?
KHT: Of course! Because what used to be magic, strictly relegated to the realm of fantasy, is becoming real, through technology. Waving a magic wand is too easy. Making miracles happen in real life, that’s science. I love it most when science and fiction, fantasy and imagination, all crash together to create something new, weird, and wonderful.
BMM: I completely agree with this, but also, I think some of the disjointed plotting of fairy tales can more easily be explained in sci-fi because… aliens.  😀

The core of your plot is a mystery of who is behind an impending war—do you approach that plot line differently than the sci-fi portions? 
KHT: I think all good sci-fi starts off with a mystery. Strange stuff is happening in a weird location and the science and imagination of that fascinates me. But, without the mystery of why the drama is happening, and who’s behind it all, fighting the alien horde would just be visceral stimulation without a purpose, you know?

BMM: That’s right. You heard it here, folks. Even the sci-fi people admit… Everything is Mystery!
Many thanks to Karen Harris Tully for being interviewed today!
3 novels, 1 low price
Release: 2/19/19
Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San
Juan Islands Mysteries
, Shark Santoyo
Crime Series
, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to
exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in
karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working
on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.

The Shape of Tales

by Bethany Maines

Last year two other authors and banded together to invent GalacticDreams—a shared sci-fi universe for novellas based on fairy tales. As I
mentioned in a blog at the time I was shocked to go through the fairy tales and
realize how full horrible things they really were. The shock only deepened when
I learned that these were the sanitized versions. Apparently, the Grimm
brothers put out a first edition and found out that they were a little too gory
and horrible for even their 1800’s audiences. So they switched some of the
baddies to step-parents (instead of full parents) and pulled out some of the
most egregious elements and put out a new edition that is more similar to the
stories we’re familiar with today. However, as the shock of cannibalism,
incest, and limb removal wore off, I began to notice another strange thing
about the stories: they don’t make sense.
The story I’m using this year for my sci-fi novel The
Seventh Swan is based on the story of the Six Swans. The story involves at
least 2 witches, 2 kings, and 3 queens and not one of them has a name.  But you won’t need to worry about which is
which because they never interact. The witch at the start of the story
disappears after she’s set events in motion. Ditto to the evil queen witch
step-mother.  The doting father of the
swan brother and heroine puts them in a tower to protect them from the evil
queen witch step-mother, but when his daughter says “Dad your wife turned my
brothers into swans.” He’s all “Nah, she wouldn’t do that.”  And the story is called the Six Swans, so
clearly it must be about the brothers, right? 
No.  They show up once and
disappear again until the end.  And then
the heroine, now sworn to silence to save her brothers (and how did they know
that was what had to happen to save them?) gets married has not one, but three
children, and her mother-in-law steals them and accuses her of eating them. Because…
that was so common that people would buy that story? Eventually, (after the
third baby) the husband’s like “I guess she’s a cannibal” and he decides to
burn her at the stake. But fortunately the six years of silence is up and she
saves the brothers and avoids the stake.
None of that makes sense. However, the story still makes sense. 
A girl must save her brothers from an evil curse by suffering in silence
and setting herself to a menial task. 
The flow of the story works, but the actual events and characters are
insane.  And in fairy tale after fairy
tale the same holds true.  Characters pop
up and then disappear. Characters contradict their own statements.  Random events occur. But they all move the
story toward the mandated happy ending.  Fairy
tales are not a lesson in how to write beautiful descriptions or develop fully
fleshed out characters, but they have been an amazing lesson in how stories
function and how much a reader will forgive to get to the happy ending.

Buy now on Amazon – $4.99 – Look for Volume 2 in February 2019!
Welcome to the universe of Galactic Dreams, where fairy tales are reimagined for a new age—the future. In each Galactic Dreams novella you’ll find an old tale reborn with a mixture of romance, technology, aliens and adventure. But beware, a perilous quest awaits behind every star and getting home again will depend on a good spaceship, true love, and maybe just a hint of magic. The Galactic Dreams Volume One boxed set features three novellas inspired by Mulan, Thumbelina, and Sleeping Beauty, from authors Bethany Maines, Karen Harris Tully, and J.M. Phillippe.

Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San
Juan Islands Mysteries
, Shark Santoyo
Crime Series
, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to
exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in
karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working
on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.

Noir at the Bar

by Bethany Maines

This week I’m engaging in a local Seattle event called Noir at the Bar.  There are several of these around the country—they’re a collection of live readings from crime writers with a few open mic slots at the end.  I don’t do crime exactly.  I’m more action-adventure / mystery. If you’re wondering about the distinction, I would say that the crime genre usually involves a higher body count and more depression and alcoholism.

A public reading is a difficult beast to master. The story or piece has to fit the time allotted and it has to be satisfying to the audience.  Just reading a chunk of my latest work in progress wouldn’t be helpful for the audience. There wouldn’t be enough set up and no conclusion.  It’s OK to leave the audience wanting more and pondering the deeper meaning.  Leaving them just plain confused and wondering what the point was is not acceptable.  Also, the piece has to be somewhat performed. Simply reading is more than a little bit boring, unless you have a Morgan Freeman voice.  In which case, congratulations, read whatever you want.  But I don’t sound remotely like Morgan Freeman, so I have to work a little harder.

For this event I’ve written a more crime oriented piece involving plastic couch covers, cupcakes and a husband who wishes he hadn’t popped home for a nooner.  It’s got some rather naughty words and I’m hoping I don’t stumble over them.  It’s my feeling that if you’re going to swear in public you should do it with authority.  Although, I have to admit that while dropping an F-bomb doesn’t scare me, but somehow the line about tampons has me intimidated.  Wish me luck!


Try out a crime-tinged adventure from Bethany Maines. 
Shark’s Instinct – $1.99 –  AmazonBarnes & Noble – KoboiBook

Fresh out of prison and fresh out of luck, twenty-something Shark wants back into The Organization. But when Geier, the mob boss with a cruel sense of humor, sends Shark to the suburbs to find out who’s been skimming his take, Shark realizes he’s going to need more than his gun and an attitude to succeed. With the clock ticking, Shark accepts the help of the mysterious teenage fixer, Peregrine Hays, and embarks on a scheme that could line his pockets, land him the girl and cement his reputation with the gang—if he makes it out alive.

is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San Juan Islands Mysteries, Shark Santoyo Crime Series, and numerous
short stories. When she’s not traveling to exotic lands, or kicking some
serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in karate, she can be found
chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working on her next novel. You
can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.

Boxing Day

by Bethany Maines

I had a friend who was extremely disappointed to learn that the day after Christmas had NOTHING to do with boxing. I don’t know if she was hoping for some sort of tale of a historical rumble at Five Points or Canadians engaging in fisticuffs, but she was quite put out to learn that it was about literal boxes and tipping.  I cannot help the history, but the tradition in our family is to loll about the house and stuff our faces while watching an entire days worth action movies selected by my brother.  And action movies frequently involve some sort of hand to hand pummelling, so, there… Boxing Day accomplished.

Watching movies at my brothers house has gotten more complicated due to babies and competing in-laws, but this year’s movie theme is Time Travel.  So in no particular order we are all invited to watch the following:

  • Back to the Future – Michael J. Fox
  • Frequency – Jim Caviezel
  • Time Cop – Jean Claucde Van Damme
  • Looper – Joseph Gorden Levitt
  • 12 Monkeys – Bruce Willis
  • The Terminator – Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure – Keanu Reeves
  • The Final Countdown – Martin Sheen
Merry Christmas, happy Boxing Day, and a wonderful New Years to all!
Blue Christmas – AmazonBarnes & Noble Kobo iTunes – ¢.99

Drunken TV news cameraman Jake Garner thought he
was tackling an intruder. But no, Jake just took out the fantastically attractive dog sitter. Mortified, Jake does what any man would who has just
been dumped right before Christmas would do—give the offended party all his ex’s things. Meanwhile, Blue Jones is determined to do whatever it takes to get
her grandmother the best cancer treatment possible, even if that means some high-rise burglary from one of her worst dog-sitting clients, the failure to
walk, feed or book a pet-sitter for a three day weekend, Grace Lorra. But Blue didn’t count on Grace’s ex, Jake, showing up and drunkenly handing over all of Grace’s belongings— including her adorable French Bulldog, Jacques. It takes no time at all for Blue to fall in love with Jacques, but Blue also finds herself wondering if it would be so bad to
return to the scene of the crime to reconnect with Jake. But as Christmas draws closer, Grace pressures Jake to return the dog and Blue is targeted by mysterious assailants. Can Jake find Blue and Jacques before her stalkers do? And can Jake and Blue stop these mystery men without also getting Blue arrested for
theft? For Blue, Christmas has never been quite so dangerous. For Jake, Christmas has never been quite so Blue.

Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San
Juan Islands Mysteries
, Shark Santoyo
Crime Series
, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to
exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in
karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working
on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.

Joy to My World

by Bethany Maines
As the year draws to a close, I find myself doing the usual
assessment of what I did this year and what I’ll be doing next year.  But this year, I’m trying to concentrate on
evaluating more through the lens of not just financial success, but emotional
success.  What was fun for me?  Because if a creative project doesn’t bring
me joy, why am I spending valuable emotional time on it?
One of the joyful projects of my year was Blue Christmas. I
like romantic adventures that find characters swept up in dangerous events.  And I liked turning a Christmas Carol into
something that’s not quite so sweet and sugary. 
I also find myself already pondering what Christmas carol I can do next
year.  Santa Baby?  Sleigh Ride? 
Mele Kalikimaka?  Gabriel’s
Message?  What message could Gabriel be
getting and how could it upend his life? Or what message is he sending?  Who is this Gabe guy anyway?  A struggling coffee shop owner soured on love
by the barista who left him cold?  A
photographer who just cannot take one more fake happy family photo for the
holidays? The possibilities are endless and so are the Christmas Carols. 

Another project that made me happy this year was the SharkSantoyo series.  This action packed five
book series follows the ups and downs of Peregrine Hays and Shark Santoyo as
they try to outwit the mob, the FBI and Peri’s private investigator uncle.  I loved creating the overarching storyline,
the quirky characters, the bad guys with hearts of gold, and the bad guys that
were just plain bad.  I loved the
characters and I’m hoping that people will enjoy the roller-coaster ride along
with them.  (Book #3 comes out in April
2018 was a great year for exploring the characters I love
and what I want to write. Next up in my pondering: the best way to pursue what
I love in 2019! 

PS. Have a suggestion for which Christmas carol I should turn
into a story next?  Comment below!
Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San
Juan Islands Mysteries
, Shark Santoyo
Crime Series
, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to
exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in
karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working
on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.

Tales of Christmas

by Bethany Maines
In 2017 a Romance novelist friend of mine invited me to be
part of an anthology of holiday novellas as part of a marketing event.  I said, “Of course!” Did I have a holiday
novella?  No, I did not.  Was it September when she asked and all
content was due in November?  Yes, yes it
was.  The result of my feverish typing
and carpal tunnel syndrome was Oh, Holy
.  This fun romance about a
freelance graphic designer and the cute guy she keeps meeting at her local
Starbucks somehow managed to end up also being about a bank robbery, friendship
and recovering from grief.  But despite
the record breaking pace I actually enjoyed my little holiday story and I
decided that I wanted to do it again. Just… not quite so fast.

So this year I’m releasing Blue Christmas.  This Suspense
Romance novella also features a  teeny
bit of crime, a helping of romance, and a dog. 
Because I like dogs. This time our intrepid heroine is a college student
Blue Jones and the square jawed hero is local TV news cameraman Jake Garner.  And the dog is an adorable French Bulldog
named Jacques who disapproves of almost everything.  If you’re looking for some Christmas
adventures please feel free to indulge in these holiday treats.  They’re calorie free. 
Blue Christmas ¢.99 – available
12/4 –
Blue Jones just stole Jake
Garner’s dog. And his heart. But technically the French Bulldog, Jacques,
belongs to Jake’s ex-girlfriend. And soon Jake is being pressured to return the
dog and Blue is being targeted by mysterious attackers. Can Jake find Blue and
Jacques before her stalkers do? For Blue, Christmas has never been quite so
dangerous.  For Jake, Christmas has never been quite so Blue.

Oh, Holy Night – ¢.99 – available
now –
Christmas is a lot more dangerous than it used to be. Graphic
designer Violet Harper is usually found at her local Starbucks. Handsome Roman
Knox is usually carrying a gun. But tonight they’re both in a bank and there’s
a body on the floor. It’s a mess, a robbery and almost the worst day ever, but
maybe a Christmas miracle can get them out of the bank and into love. Join Violet and Roman as they try to figure out the rules to modern dating and bank robbery.

And for more holiday humor
and adventure with a touch of romance, check out fellow Stiletto Gang sister
J.M. Phillippe’s A Christmas Spirit
The recently deceased C
harlene Dickenson is stuck in a place where the
Christmas music never ends and the holiday treats will never make you full. Charlene is going to have to figure out how to let go of her mortal life and
embrace the Christmas Spirit.

Available in print and e-formats on 12/4.  Pre-order on: Amazon

Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San
Juan Islands Mysteries
, Shark Santoyo
Crime Series
, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to
exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in
karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working
on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.

Christmas is Coming!!

by Bethany “Run for the Hills” Maines

Thanksgiving is looming and that means that… gulp… Christmas is around the corner!  But what that means for me is that I have some awesome new releases to share with readers. That’s right, I’ve been hard at work on stories of murder, romance, theft, and puppies. I may just need the holidays to happen so I can get a rest. On November 15th (that’s this THURSDAY), I have a short story, Mayhem & Mahalo, included in the the Stiletto Heeled issue of Switchblade Magazine.  I’m pretty thrilled to be included in this list of all women crime writers and can’t wait to get my own copy and see what mischief my co-conspirators are up to. Next up is Blue Christmas, a romantic holiday adventure (now available for pre-order) which will be released on December 4th! This cross-genre romance / crime story has everything you need to kick off the holiday season.

Switchblade Magazine – The Stiletto Heeled Issue

featuring Mayhem & Mahalo – Available on Amazon 11/15/18

Hawaii—the land of sun, surf, and a giant pile of dead bodies. Paige Kaneko thought she had left the Kaneko family’s criminal ways behind her, but when a 3 a.m. text from her brother asks for one simple thing—help—Paige can’t say no. Now Paige must get her brother and herself out of a situation that includes eight dead bodies, a backpack full of cash and one slightly dented heroin addict.

Blue Christmas – Pre-Order Now!

High-rise burglary to pay for her grandmother’s cancer treatments might not be ideal, but Blue Jones is determined to do what it takes to get her grandmother the best care possible. She just didn’t plan on being tackled by gorgeous Jake Garner. Jake, drunk and recently dumped, mistakes Blue for the dog sitter and begins shoving his ex’s belongings at her including her French Bulldog—Jacques. But soon Jake is being pressured to return the dog and Blue is being targeted by mysterious attackers. Can Jake and Blue stop these mystery men without also getting Blue arrested for theft? For Blue, Christmas has never been quite so dangerous. For Jake, Christmas has never been quite so Blue.


Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San Juan Islands Mysteries, Shark Santoyo Crime Series, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Wine & Murder

by Bethany Maines

I want to kill someone in public.
I don’t have a particular person. Just someone.
Last weekend I volunteered for my business districts wine
walk event.  It was a fun event that
paired artists and wineries with local businesses.  Visitors bought a ticket which guaranteed them
ten tastings from the wineries of their choosing and then they walked to the
various locations ogled the art, tasted the wine and walked to the next
stop.  This puts visitors inside local
businesses, exposes an audience to new wines and gives everyone a chance to
enjoy a fun fall outing.  It’s also a
large crowd with people going every which way, no one is really paying
attention, and half the crowd is a wee bit tipsy.  That seems like a great place for a murder!
Could I slip something in their tasting glass? Could I stab
them quietly in pop them in a business’s back room while no one was looking?  Leave the body in their car apparently “sleeping
it off”?  Or is it better to kill them
and then stick around as a surprise witness. 
Oh my God? someone’s killed Kenny! 
And… surprised face.
It’s a bold move to go for a public murder, which makes it probably unpremeditated.  My motivation would have to be strong.  Lots of money or a truly horrible victim.  And then, perhaps the small town police chief could solve the mystery?  And bam, we’ve got a novel plot.  Although, in general, I should probably not tell anyone what I think about at
these events.  I’m going to end up on
someone’s list…
Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San
Juan Islands Mysteries
, Shark Santoyo
Crime Series
, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to
exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in
karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working
on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.

Supposed to be…

by Bethany Maines

I’m not supposed to be writing this.  I have a pretty stiff yearly schedule on what
I intend to write.  And while the
Stiletto Gang blogs are on my schedule, I have currently abandoned all sanity
and schedules and have started committing time to a project that is NOT on the
calendar.  I should currently be writing
my San Juan Islands #3.  Unfortunately,
while I had a fantastic idea for the opening, my idea pretty much stopped
there. And an inciting incident does not a plot make.  But after I stared and stared at the screen
and then stared some more, nothing was coming to me. So I started doing a
writing exercise to get the creative juices flowing and now… I can’t stop. 

I think I’ve fallen in love with my own characters.  They keep popping up with more things for
themselves to do.   And I keep thinking, “What a great idea!  I’m sure that will only take me twenty
minutes to jot that down.”  Note to self:
nothing you want to write takes twenty minutes. 
And now my cushion of time for making my deadline is whittling down and
I’m actually starting to worry.  So if
you’ll excuse me, I’m going to stop writing this and stare at my screen and try
and figure out why Tobias is in jail.
Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery Series, San
Juan Islands Mysteries
, Shark Santoyo
Crime Series
, and numerous short stories. When she’s not traveling to
exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her fourth degree black belt in
karate, she can be found chasing her daughter or glued to the computer working
on her next novel. You can also catch up with her on YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook.