Ramblings From Dru
The hardest thing about writing a monthly post is coming up with a topic that the audience will find interesting.
So here I sit, trying to think of a post to write.
Should it be related to writing? Well, since I’m not a writer, I don’t have to worry about that.
I am a reader, but how many times can I write about the number of books I’ve read since January (for the record it is 78 books).
My friends tell me that besides being a reader, I’m also a blogger/reviewer. I don’t consider myself a reviewer because my musings are short and not standardized. However on my blog I do offer a feature to authors about the day in the life of their protagonist or a recurring character from their stories.
I recently attended my fourth Malice Domestic Convention. I always have a good time and it’s a chance to attend panels; catch up with friends who I haven’t seen in a year, meet new-to-authors and reconnect with the authors I’ve already met. The one for reader fans are fun to attend and so far this year I’ll be going to four events. I’ll be at BookExpo America (BEA) where I’ll be attending the Power Reader event. Then it’s the Fan Fest at Thrillerfest this summer and last but not least I’ll be at Bouchercon in Albany. Is anyone attending any of these events?
Well, it looks like I thought of something to write.
What’s the hardest thing that you have to do?