Tag Archive for: celebrating all year round

Another Year Older

Tomorrow’s my birthday (na-na-na na-na-na!), and I’m gonna have a good time! Well, at the very least, Ed and I will go to dinner and a movie after dropping by Antony John’s get-together of local authors, which will be fun in itself.

I’m okay with turning a year older. I don’t cry and curse Father Time, nor do I feel particularly ambivalent, thinking that another 365 days has come and gone with often only hard work–and a few extra wrinkles and/or pounds–to show for it.

To me, birthdays are like holidays, another excuse to celebrate being alive and loved. Maybe they mean even more to me now after surviving a health crisis, because I’m so much more appreciative of everything I have (and more cognizant of how quickly things can change when you least expect it).

The only thing I even mildly freak out about is that age-old question from my husband and family members: “What do I get you?” Argh. That’s always hard for me to answer because I feel like I have everything I need (and anything else will just end up as clutter).

So when this comes up, it makes me even more intent on celebrating everyday. If there’s something I want to do or want to get–and, I’m talking, like, a new bird feeder, a dinner out, or a donation to the local animal shelter–I just do it. I don’t wait. I’ve even told my husband more than once, “Every day should be like a birthday.” I’d rather have him surprise me with flowers or a new cartridge for my laser printer (well, they’re expensive!) “just because,” rather than wrapping something up on specific days of the year.

Besides, the only person who truly deserves gifts on my date of birth is my mother. I mean, she worked hard for it.

So here’s my birthday request of you all: do something kind/fun/good to yourselves or for someone you love, or give to a charity you support. And if anyone asks you, “What’s up? What’s so special about today,” you can tell them “It’s Susan’s birthday, and this was on her wish list.”

Now help me blow out all these candles so we can get to the cake and the ice cream. Woo hoo!
P.S. I got carded today buying beer for Ed! Not bad for an almost 46 year old chick. 😉