Tag Archive for: Epcon

Home from Epicon and Video for No Sanctuary

It was certainly a whirlwind time!

We left home early Wednesday a.m. headed for Las Vegas. It’s about a 6 hour drive through the mountains and then the desert. First stop, my sis’s. As usual, we had a great time gabbing.

Thursday afternoon hubby and I headed for Henderson NV, more or less a suburb of Vegas. Our destination, Epicon which was being held in the Montelongo Resort. What a glorious setting–like an Italian village overlooking Lake Las Vegas. Our room had a balcony–which we never used, because it was chilly most of the time.

Right as we stepped in the hotel lobby we saw two friends from the last Epicon who let us know what was happening and where. After unloading our stuff we returned to the lobby where we met lots more of our friends from earlier conferences. Lee Emory, Treble Heart Press publisher, was there and the three of us decided we should have dinner together–in an Italian restaurant of course!

The conference started with an Epic business meeting and breakfast. I did a class on writing a mystery series right at 9 a.m. From then on I was free for the day and took advantage of all the rest of the seminars. That evening hubby and I tried out an Irish pub.

Saturday morning I joined some other authors to present information to three young writers. That was great! Epic always has a New Voices contest for young people. In the afternoon there was a publisher’s panel.

That evening was the wonderful Awards banquet–always great. Dan Reitz, publisher of Mundania Press, m.c.’d. The women looked terrific in their dressy clothes and some of the men even had on tuxedos–one Scotch publisher wore his kilt. I was the presenter for the Mystery category–fun because it’s done like the Academy Awards.

Sunday morning was a great breakfast, lots of networking and of course, finally goodbye. We headed back to my sister’s for the rest of the day and to spend the night.

Came home to piles of mail and email–rather daunting to go through.

Did have this new video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_du3UtWAYXw for No Sanctuary.
