Tag Archive for: fan letters

A Mix Bag of Topics

Do you have auto buys? I do. I have so many; there are not enough fingers and toes to count them all. But, there are only two long-running series (and I’m talking over 20 books) that I do not hesitate in buying when their release is imminent and they are J.D. Robb and Janet Evanovich and I buy the hardcover edition but on discount. I also get the J.D. Robb book on my kindle as well. What can I say? I’m a big fan of hers and one of the items on my bucket list is to meet the fabulous Nora Roberts.

Back in the day, before I got involved with social media, the only way an author knew if I liked their book was the fan letter I wrote them. If I received a letter from them, it told me they cared to write me back and that meant all the world to me. It could a few words or sentences and sometimes I had a question about what I read and when they answered my question, again I was in heaven. With social media, it’s more about writing reviews and posting on various sites. I’ve tried, but I can’t write one for all the books I read because it would take away my reading pleasure. However, I still write that occasional fan letter to an author and still smile when they respond. I have kept all 539 fan letter responses that I’ve received. The fan letter to the right is from September 2006.

Do you have any auto-buys?

Do you write fan letters to an author after you’ve read their book?

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