Tag Archive for: Halloween meme

Let’s Do A Halloween Meme!

by Susan McBride 

Yes, I’m behind on my book deadline as so much stuff keeps popping up and stealing time (I know, I know, I need to play ostrich but it’s so darned tricky!).  Try as I might, I can’t come up with anything to blog about besides “1001 Ways to Procrastinate” or “Things That Distract Me,” which both hit way too close to home.  Then I thought, “A-ha! Halloween is in 10 days!  How about I devise a meme that everyone can answer?”  So that’s exactly what I did!

I’ve inserted my answers below, but I’m dying to hear yours!  Please, share, even if you only want to respond to a few.  All rightee, ghouls and goblins, let the games begin!

(1)  What’s your favorite Halloween costume ever?

Alice in Wonderland.  Although it wasn’t until my writing career that I actually fell down the rabbit hole.

(2)  What’s your favorite Halloween candy (or other treat)?

Snickers.  That’s all I ever wanted in my bag.

(3)  Name the scariest book you’ve ever read?

Salem’s Lot.  It made me jumpy and afraid to go anywhere alone in the dark for weeks after I finished it.

(4)  Who’s the best movie vampire ever:
(a)  Bela Lugosi
(b)  George Hamilton
(c)  Tom Cruise
(d)  Robert Pattinson

Boris Karloff.  I love him.

(5)  Who’d win in a fist fight?  Sookie or Bella?

Bella is a wimp!  It’s Sookie all the way, baby!

(6)  Are you superstitious?  How?

Yes.  I knock on wood all the time and have to wear a specific pair of earrings whenever I get on a plane.  I don’t avoid cracks but I do hold my breath driving past graveyards (unless they’re really long).

(7)  Frankenberry, Count Chocula, or Boo Berry?

Count Chocula.  No contest.

(8)  Will you dress up this year?  If so, as what?

I’m most definitely dressing up in my fleece jammie pants, socks, ratty T-shirt, and bedhead.  Oh, yeah, it’s my “writer” costume!

Boo!  Now it’s YOUR turn!