Tag Archive for: Health Care Debate

Reason on Life-Support

I’ve been listening to the health care bill “shake and shouts” this month and I’ve come away concerned about the status of “education” in the United States. Yes, I said education. Apparently the ability to think, to reason, and then to debate differences of opinion in a civil manner has been lost.

I would blame it on the past eight years of teaching to the “test,” but the individuals I see parroting conflicting statements in a loud and uncompromising manner at these town hall meetings can in no way be considered a product of the last ten years of the public education system. They are too old. Some of them are our elected representatives. Some are special interest group shills. Many are retired seniors who have been frightened into spouting gibberish.

No matter what your political leanings, reason shouldn’t be the first victim when times get tough. I think we can all agree that times are tough.

Death Panels? Nazis? How did end of life counseling done at the patient’s request become akin to forced euthanasia? Come on people! Think!

I don’t know if the “public option” insurance is a good thing or a bad thing. At this rate I never will. I get very suspicious when people don’t want me to hear what others have to say. I begin wonder if the people shouting down the others have a financial interest in things remaining the same.

I know that we already have government run health care – it’s called Medicare and Medicaid.

I know that we already pay for those who don’t have health insurance – it’s called Emergency Room treatment (much more expensive than any other kind of medical treatment) paid for with our tax dollars.

I know many people, through no fault of their own, can’t afford any health care insurance or are severely under-insured.

I know many businesses can’t afford to offer health care insurance to their employees. Even state governments, the provider of my health insurance benefits, find each year that they can afford less and less coverage for the funds available. When the costs of health benefits increases between 20% & 30% in a twelve-month period, we all have a problem. It’s easy to say, “Leave me alone, I’m happy with my insurance.” But if things continue as they have, you won’t be happy for much longer.

I know we have a problem that needs fixing. Regardless of your politics, you know we have one too. We just disagree on how to solve the problem.

A lot of people are involved in the “noise,” but I don’t know if there are any smart, well-informed people being heard.

I haven’t “heard” any. How about you?

Evelyn David