Being thankful by Lynn Cahoon
Sometimes the days come and go so fast, I barely have time to think, let alone be grateful for the good things that have come to my doorstep. November is traditionally our month to slow down a bit and think about all the things that we should be thankful for.
Maybe its a hold out from our more agricultural past where the fields would be cleared and the harvest put up by this time. Growing up, the hay was cut, bailed and stacked, ready to feed the livestock over the winter.
Our freezer was filled with frozen veggies and the pump house shelves filled with home canned jars of tomatoes and fruits. My favorite was the jars of pears my mom put up each year. Oh, and the grape juice. Yum.
Now, my canned food comes from real cans I can buy any time from the grocery store less than a mile away. I don’t live on a farm and my garden produce is little more than a memory.
Yet, we still need to slow down and take the time to let our souls recreate after a long year. And get ready for the upcoming season.
So here’s a few things I’m thankful for in 2015
My family. We lost my mother and my step father this year. I’m thankful I still have my sisters and brothers to torment me, in the loving ways siblings can.
My husband. He was in a bad accident early this year and I almost lost him.
My writing career. I love my writer family including my publisher, my editor, and new to the crowd this year, my agent. May we all continue to prosper in 2016.
My readers. Because the above paragraph wouldn’t even be possible without the readers who love visiting South Cove as much as I do.
My friends. Near and far, these people make me laugh and hold me up when I’m unable to stand on my own feet.
Your turn, what are you thankful for?