Doing It Old School
by Maria Geraci
A few months ago while watching as I manually jotted down an important date into my calendar, a friend convinced me that I wasn’t taking full advantage of my iPhone.
“What’s the use of having a smart phone if you’re not going to be smart about using it?” she said to me.
“Gee, I guess you’re right,” I said back. She then showed me the Calendar function on my phone (which I was aware of, but I confess had not really explored much).
“You just place all your appointments in the calendar and you’ll never miss anything again,” she said.
Maybe I should have had those words bronzed, because the fact is, my friends, as you have probably guessed by now, I’ve missed just about everything. And this is despite using the “alarm” function on the calendar. I’m a visual person, and by visual I mean I need to write something out and then look at it constantly for me to “get it.” I need a real calendar that tucks nicely into my purse that I can pop out to look at and I need to flip pages. I like my iPhone. But I don’t love it. I’ve had it for almost 4 years now and I think it’s awesome, but it’s not the be all and end all that a lot of people think it is. At least not for me.
Recently, I was hacked. All my email accounts, my Facebook account, even my website. It was my own fault really. I hadn’t changed my email password in years. I stored almost all my other passwords and important information in the Saved Mail portion of my email account. Pretty dumb, huh? All this happened while I was visiting my parents and had no Internet access. By the time I was able to get into my account and change my password 4 days had passed. Four days of someone else playing with my life (in not a pretty way). I now have all my important information printed out and saved in a real time file in a real time desk.
Yes, I think the Internet is pretty awesome, but you have to respect the awesomeness and protect yourself. It’s not enough to have a “smart” phone or a “smart” computer. You have to be smart too.