Clicking Our Heels: Rainbows in Our Lives
Clicking Our
Heels – Rainbows in Our Lives
— winner will be announced next Wednesday on The Stiletto Gang Facebook page
2019 is here!
We hope for everyone it will be a wonderful year, but the reality is that
sometimes there will be cloudy days. Talking among ourselves, we wondered what,
on a cloudy day, would bring a rainbow into each of our lives?
Linda Rodriguez – My husband’s smile. A silky fiber to spin in a beautiful
colorway. My goofy dog. My great kids. Good friends out in the cyber world and
here in my own town.
Bethany Maines – My dog, Kato. And chocolate. And yeah…OK, my family. They’re
pretty cute too.
Shari Randall – A hug from my husband. A call from my kids. The hundreds of
small pleasures that surround us every day – the smell of coffee brewing,
birdsong, a message from an old friend, laughter. And Calvin and Hobbes
TK Thorne – Smiles from my husband, a cuddle from our pug, and writing
something. Today I woke up and wrote a poem about the Parker solar probe
launch. It’s a good feeling to have created something that might touch others. Even
if it doesn’t, it is still a wondrous act to make an ephemeral thought into
something “real.”
Paula Gail Benson – Having the opportunity to read a good author, drink a fragrant
cup of tea, and
indulge in a rich dark chocolate!
AB Plum – Brian Andreas, the genius behind amazing stories on greeting
cards, posters, prints, etc. always brings a rainbow on those days when I need
one most.
Dru Ann Love – Looking out the window and seeing a rainbow lets me know that
more adventures are out there for the taking.
Judy Penz Sheluk – A good book. A walk with my dog. Writing without interruption.
JM Phillippe – Simple pleasures can always be found. I have been enjoying
little things, like sitting down to a well-prepared meal, seeing a funny
picture of a friend’s child or pet, or hearing something funny from people
passing by my house-little moments of joy and laughter are pretty easily had.
It’s sometimes hard to see them though in the midst of dark days.
Kay Kendall – Talking to friends always makes me happy. I am not picky about
the way of doing it either. Face to face, on the phone, by text, email, or
Facebook-any method of communication is fine with me. I will go with whichever
my friend prefers since I love them all. I get rainbows in my life by reaching
out to connect. I try to do that in my fiction writing as well.
Cathy P. Perkins – My husband and kids can always make me smile. Others? Walking
through our
woods, listening to the river mummer and the birds sing. Watching the dogs romp.
Opening the kiln on a glass experiment. Sitting with friends, sharing good food
and wine. Looking for the rainbow rather than the clouds.
Juliana Aragon Flatula – Helping someone and then years later they remember how you were
there when they needed help and they tell you thank you. Thirty years ago I
helped my son’s friend, Donovan, fill out financial aid papers to enroll in
college. I spoke with him on the phone recently and he told me how much he
appreciated my help and how it made a difference in his life getting a college
education. That made my day.
Julie Mulhern – I am blessed with very few inclement days. When the clouds do
roll in, I need only look at my family for a rainbow.
Debra H. Goldstein – Watching a child reason; seeing a smile shared; loving and
being loved.