Tag Archive for: karate


by Bethany Maines

I was thinking this morning about how much writing is like
karate.  Actually, to be perfectly
honest, everything is like karate. You’re laughing right now.  I can hear it all the way through the
internet. (Although, that might be the photo.)
While teaching karate I occasionally make such lofty
statements, and my students laugh too. They refer to those as their “sensei-ism
of the day.” The philosophy of karate is to bring the body and the mind into
harmony and to learn to be aware of not only what the body is doing, but what
it is not doing.  The problem with that
kind of talk is that it sounds like a lot of wishy-washy, new age gibberish to
a lot of people. But if we think about it in an applied way, we can see that it
makes sense. Simply putting your body through a work out (though beneficial) is
not as effective as practicing with intention, awareness, and a plan for future.
Writing is the same way. Some writing, any writing is better
than no writing in the same way that taking the stairs is better than
absolutely no exercise for the rest of the day. But it isn’t an actual work
out. If you simply type some crap up without any thought about plot
development, theme, or structure you end up with a mish-mash of nonsense that
only your relatives will want to read.
When you practice writing with the goal of keeping to one
point of view or developing theme through word choice you become aware of those
techniques in other writers and in your own writing. These exercises aren’t rules
being forced down my throat; that is me choosing to pursue a goal as an
exercise. And this philosophy can expand to any other pursuit.

So, dear readers, your sensei-ism of the day is: whatever
your passion, practice it with intention and perseverance.  And life is like karate. Now go have an crane
stance-ing, waxing on, awesome type of day.
Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie
Mae Mysteries
, Tales from the City of
and An Unseen Current.
You can also view the Carrie Mae youtube video
or catch up with her on Twitter and Facebook.

Writing is Like Getting Punched in the Face

Your Sensei-ism of the Day

by Bethany Maines

A member of my writer’s group, who is at the relative beginning of her writing journey, recently turned in a story for critique and my response was that clearly the middle sucked and it needed to be totally restructured, but other than that the story was great. Or at least, that’s probably what I sounded like to her. She understood that I wasn’t trying to be mean, but, as another member of our group pointed out, she probably hadn’t been expecting a critique of that magnitude, and was probably more hoping for a stamp of approval, with maybe a “just change a few lines here or there.”  And then I had a sharp memory that I used to feel the same way (and occasionally I still do).
One of the other things I study, besides writing, is karate. Now, the first thing everyone asks is, “What belt are you?”  So let’s just get this out of the way now. I’m a third degree black belt. Most people have no idea what that means, but it sounds impressive, so they give enthusiastic nods. (Or if you’re that dillhole trying to date a black belt, you make an ineffectual grab and say, “What would you do if I did this?”  Um…. Throw you on the floor and then watch how you never call again?  Right, that’s what I thought.)  There are many belts between white (absolute beginner) and black, and each one is an achievement that is worthy of being bragged about. Sadly for poor karate students talking to random acquaintances, if it ain’t black, it ain’t nothin’.  So if you know a karate student and they say “green,” congratulate them on their hard work and, unless they’re six, please don’t ask them to show you anything. If they’re six, then ask away, because that’s just plain adorable. But, word to the wise, if you’re a dude protect your crotch (unless you’ve got the video camera rolling and want to win $10,000 on America’s Funniest Home Videos), because we all know how coordinated your average six year old is.
Anyway, back to the point (why does everyone always doubt I have one?). I’ve been a sensei (teacher) for long enough that I’ve started to see trends or traits in the course of a karate student’s journey. One of the most common beginner traits is that once a student has learned a technique, say reverse punch, they consider it complete. Why would we revisit the topic? And then I have to break it to them that I’ve been learning my reverse punch for about eleven years now. And I’ll learn some more about it tonight when I go into the dojo. Each time I cross the threshold and bow to the dojo, whether or not I’m teaching the class, I’m there to learn.
But when you’re a white belt, you’d really just like to get your reverse punch signed off so you can test for the next belt. Being told to go back and do it again can be very disheartening, but from the black belt perspective it can also be very freeing. I’m free to get the first one wrong (and the third, and the fifth, and the twenty-fifth) because I’m going to do it again.  With karate, and with writing, there is always the opportunity to go back the next day and do it again.
I know that when I started writing, I didn’t want to edit.  And then I rewrote my first novel 9.5 times.  And believe me, I wanted to stop at about 6.  But after awhile, I started to think that a novel is a fluid thing with endless permutations of how it can be put together. I can’t be hamstrung by the idea that the first draft has to be the finished draft; by accepting that I’m going to be wrong I free myself to create something better.
They say there are very few masters in karate, but many students – meaning that, while some may be more advanced, we are all still learning.  I believe the same can be said of writing.