Tag Archive for: MadLibs

Your Vote Matters!

By Bethany Maines

The good news: I have a new short story coming out on Tax
Day!  Yes, that is an infamously
black day, but I thought I’d give people something to look forward to.

The bad news: 
I’m having serious second thoughts about the story title.
Up until now it’s been known rather blandly as Cops &
Robbers.  The story – part of my
Tales From the City of Destiny series – features Sam Roseberry, a Tacoma
Detective and Native American shaman in training, as he hunts down a killer
who’s been murdering people for their magical powers. Not only does Cops &
Robbers sound like the wrong genre, it sounds about as boring as butterless
popcorn. The truth is that when I’m writing, the name of the story is the
farthest thing from my mind. When I call a story something initially, it’s
usually something like, “The One With Sam.”  Which is an even less sellable name than “Cops &
Robbers.”  Once my writing group
insists on a name (apparently, “The One With Sam” doesn’t clarify things for
them), I slap a working title on the thing and move forward. Sadly, my working
titles are frequently extremely literal with a dash of cliché for easy
memorization. Sam is a Cop and people are Robbing magical powers.  One title – check. 
My first novel was called something hideous like “Espionage
Purple” and my agent delicately suggested that perhaps that maybe… er… that
wasn’t the best title for the book and maybe… er… it could be changed. To which
I said, “Oh, yes.  That’s a
terrible name.  I’d love to change
it.”  And she said, “Great, so you
should come up with some alternate titles!”  I was so crestfallen. I was really hoping she would tell me
what to call it. What do you mean I have to name my own book?!! The horror! The
suffering! I ended up mass emailing my friends and listing out words that connected
to the themes of my book. Then we all played MadLibs until we’d arrived at the
far more appropriate and fun Bulletproof Mascara.
But I have to admit that the horror of naming my own stories
remains. Toward that end I have narrowed down the field of names to a top three
and I’m hoping that you – my internet friends – will help me pick.  What’s your vote?  Which one would you want to read?

Bethany Maines is the author of The Carrie Mae Mysteries, as well as Tales from the City of Destiny. You can also view the Carrie Mae youtube video or catch up with her at www.bethanymaines.com.