Tag Archive for: Mind Over Murder

Hot, Bothered, & Feeling a Little Constrained

– by the Southern Half of Evelyn David

Today was Evelyn David’s turn to post a blog here at The Stiletto Gang. Most of you are aware by now that “Evelyn David” is the pen name for two of us. We try to take turns writing the Evelyn David blog, but I have to admit that usually Marian ends up doing it. But this week, I’m determined to hold up my end of this partnership.

Blog Topics –
It’s difficult for any writer to know if, or how many, personal thoughts and opinions to share with readers. The general rule of thumb is to avoid anything of a serious nature or anything that could possibly be controversial. No overtly religious posts. No partisan politics. Which, as everyone knows, can now encompass just about everything. Health care? No. Border security? No. Military? No. Foreign relations? No. The last thing an author wants to do is alienate his/her readers. Of course you also don’t want your readers to think you live in a fantasy bubble and have no thoughts on anything beyond your next novel, food, favorite television shows, and vacation spots.

Issues –
I believe that it’s becoming harder and harder to have open discussions about issues because people have become so polarized in their opinions – and I’m no exception to that problem. I have some strongly held beliefs and I do have a tendency to “judge” others when their beliefs differ from mine on some fundamental topics. But I try very hard not to express that judgment or allow it to prevent me from continuing to “hear” what the other person is saying. I know that if I try hard enough I can find common ground with just about anyone. The collective “Evelyn David” absolutely can. Between the two of us we have a wide range of opinions, politics, religious experiences, education, and lifestyles. I live in a very “red” state – Marian resides in a “blue” one. We manage, without too much push and pull, to get along despite, and maybe because of those differences. No matter your beliefs, you have to admit that being around people who constantly agree with everything you say or do (as comforting as that can be) is boring.

No Labels –
I can, with all confidence, tell you that although I’m a Democrat, I vote Republican about half the time. I’ve never voted a straight party ticket in my life. I don’t want a political party telling me what to think. I don’t need talk show hosts spinning the news. I believe in God, but not so much in organized religions. I like some federal programs and despise others. I support states’ rights but am continually embarrassed by some of my own state’s elected representatives. I believe in being responsible for yourself, supporting family and taking care of your own first. I believe in the death penalty as a concept, but find it too problematic in practice. I believe we have to protect the environment, but not at the loss of individuals being able to support their families. I want clean air but I also want affordable electricity. I think we need to spend more money on public education, subsidize daycare for the working poor, make sure that each community has a public library, ensure equal pay for equal work, establish a fair minimum wage, and we should find a way to make college affordable for everyone who wants to attend. I believe the President of the United States should do his/her job and follow the law. I believe Congress should do theirs and follow the law. And it’s probably time to consider whether or not Supreme Court appointments should be for life – or maybe just consider a better way of determining who gets to sit on that highest bench in the first place. There are at least a couple there now who I wouldn’t trust to water my plants over a long weekend.

If I’ve offended anyone by telling you my opinions, I’m sorry. Next time I’ll be back to talking about mysteries and fictional worlds where problems can be solved with careful plotting.

Check out our new mystery – MIND OVER MURDER. It’s one of our best.


MIND OVER MURDER by Evelyn David

The last time the police knocked on psychic Valentine Zalmanzig Cohen’s door they ignored her advice and the wrong man ended up in prison for murder. Five years later the knock comes again. Another couple killed in the same house. A copycat killer? Or has the original killer struck again? The police are willing to consider that perhaps they’d been wrong, but is Val willing to risk her marriage, career, and maybe even her life to try again?

Trade Paperback

Mind Over Murder

By Evelyn David

Frank Herbert, the science fiction author, once said,
“Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The
sleeper must awaken.” 

While the two halves of Evelyn David aren’t moving into
writing sci-fi, we did make a conscious decision to try, for our newest
project, something entirely different. It’s not that we don’t love Mac Sullivan
and gang, and adore Brianna Sullivan and her whole crew in Lottawatah. And of
course, we are positively cuckoo crazy about Whiskey and Leon, our
canine stars. 

We even started a new Mac-Rachel story, and we’ll get back
to it, but about a third of the way through we hit the proverbial brick wall.
The Southern half sent the Northern half, the first two chapters of a book we’d
begun a few years ago. Bingo! We started writing, like a house on fire (or in
this case, two houses afire). The scenes unfolded so fast that we could barely
keep up. 

New characters, new setting. What has stayed the same is our
love affair with mysteries – and this one is a doozy. MIND OVER MURDER will
thrill you, chill you, delight you. As always, there’s a healthy dollop of
humor, because, well, that’s us. There’s also a terrific romance because we’re
suckers for a good love story. 

Nothing bad ever happens in Seamont, New York,
a quiet village 20 miles outside The Big Apple. Nothing, except for the brutal
murders five years earlier of Lee and Vera Chang. But the local police made a
quick arrest and life returned to suburban normal in Seamont. Except Valentine
Zalmanzig Cohen knows differently. She knows, without a shadow of doubt, that Alex
Fletcher, the man sentenced to life in prison, didn’t kill the Changs. Val is a
psychic. But the local cops don’t want anything to mess up their slam-dunk

Five years later, when the Bermans, a middle-aged couple who
had just bought the Chang house are also brutally murdered, the police come
knocking at Val’s door. Is it a copycat killer? Has Fletcher hired a hit man to
mimic the crime so he can appeal his own conviction? Or is there a serial murderer
loose in quiet Seamont?  

Val doesn’t want to relive the gruesome murder scenes that
cloud her mind, but she wants to stop this killer once and for all. Things go
from bad to worse after a brutal attempt on her life results in the loss of her
psychic abilities. Val discovers that when all is said and done, she has to
rely on her wits to save herself before the killer strikes again.  

Evelyn David and Valentine Zalmanzig Cohen invite you to find
out whodunnit and why in this
spine-tingling, roller coaster of a ride, new mystery. 

MIND OVER MURDER will be available for sale in late June.
Thanks for all your continuing support and encouragement. You make it possible
for us to take on new challenges. 

Marian and Rhonda, the collective Evelyn David

Evelyn David’s Mysteries 

Brianna Sullivan Mysteries – e-book series
I Try Not to Drive Past CemeteriesKindleNookSmashwords
The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah KindleNookSmashwords
The Holiday Spirit(s) of LottawatahKindleNookSmashwords
Undying Love in Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
A Haunting in Lottawatah – Kindle – NookSmashwords
Lottawatah Twister – KindleNookSmashwords
Missing in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Good Grief in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Summer Lightning in Lottawatah – Kindle NookSmashwords
Lottawatah Fireworks – KindleNookSmashwords
Leaving Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords

The Ghosts of Lottawatah – trade paperback collection of the Brianna e-books
Book 1 I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries (includes the first four Brianna e-books)
Book 2 – A Haunting in Lottawatah (includes the 5th, 6th, and 7th Brianna e-books)
Book 3 – Lottawatah Fireworks (includes the 8th, 9th, and 10th Brianna e-books)
Book 4 – Leaving Lottawatah (includes the 11th Brianna e-book and some special features.)

Sullivan Investigations Mystery series
Murder Off the Books KindleNookSmashwordsTrade Paperback
Murder Takes the Cake KindleNookSmashwords Trade Paperback 
Murder Doubles Back KindleNookSmashwordsTrade Paperback
Riley Come Home (short story)- KindleNookSmashwords
Moonlighting at the Mall (short story) – KindleNookSmashwords