Tag Archive for: mystery

Good Grief in Lottawatah

Excerpt from
Good Grief in Lottawatah
Vol 8
Brianna Sullivan Mysteries series

Chapter 1 –
“The Dead Make a lot of Noise.”

In case you missed the front page story in Friday’s Lottawatah Herald or didn’t visit the
Shear Artistry Hair Salon on Saturday or failed to listen to local radio host
Mutt Jeffrey’s call-in segment this morning, let me tell you the big news that
has this small Oklahoma
town abuzz – I’m engaged to Lottawatah Police Detective Cooper Jackson.

Yes, engaged to be married. I know, you never thought I’d make
such a big commitment. Frankly, I’m a bit stunned myself. And before you can
ask, no I’m not pregnant. Cooper proposed to me while I was in the hospital in Tulsa, recovering from a
gunshot wound I received in early November. Granted I was on heavy drugs at the
time and the memory of actually saying yes to his offer of marriage is still a
little fuzzy, but I’m sure this is the right decision. I’m almost positive.

“Brianna? Is that you? Come on back to my office, I’m on
hold with a casket supplier.”

I realized I was standing just inside the Myers Funeral Home,
the door chime still ringing. Today was the first day of my new job. Doc Joseph
Myers, mortician, fisherman, and as needed, coroner was my new boss. I had no
clue what my employment entailed. Of course I’ve spent most of my life without
a clue. I’m Brianna Sullivan and I’m a psychic. And yes, I should have a clue.
And no, that’s psychic spelled with an “ic” not an “o.”


It’s noon now. I’ve been on the job four hours. Okay,
three-and-a-half since I was late. Cooper dropped me off at his friend Denny’s
garage. My vintage Mustang convertible was road worthy–barely. Denny had been
working on the car off-and-on for almost a year. The good citizens of
Lottawatah had finally chipped in and paid my outstanding balance at the garage
as sort of a reward for my actions in finding a missing child or maybe as a
reward for exposing a murderer in their mist. Either way, I was happy to have a
second set of wheels to drive around town. My other mode of transportation is
Matilda, my 30-foot motor home. I love Matilda but I don’t like driving her
around Lottawatah. Right now she’s parked out at Lake Eufaula
and I stay there when I’m not keeping Cooper company at his apartment in town.

Doc Myers, who said he had already made a house call (yes,
that’s what you think it is),  showed me
around the funeral home before he left for his regular Monday lunch at Tiny’s
with his Lodge buddies. I’m not sure which Lodge or even if there really is a
Lodge anymore since I think this lunch has probably been happening since before
I was born.

But back to my job-I was given a nice desk, a chair on rollers
that spins, a phone with two lines, and a desktop computer that I haven’t yet
figured out how to turn on.

Doc told me my title was director of sales and public outreach.
As far as I can tell that means I answer the telephone, take messages, and
serve coffee and Kleenex to family members when they come in to pick out
caskets and make funeral arrangements.

“Good Morning, Myers Funeral Home. How can I help

“Are you going to the apartment during your lunch hour to
walk Leon?”

“Hello to you too, sweetheart. Is the magic already

“Brianna, I’m at the scene of a three-car pileup with a
fuel spill. I don’t have time for magic.”

“Yet you took the time to worry about Leon‘s bladder. I’m touched.” Leon
was the bulldog I had inadvertently inherited. He has a grumpy disposition, a
sensitive digestive tract, a penchant for chewing on leather couches, and I was
devoted to him. Cooper less so.

“Right. Just take care of your dog. I don’t want any more
accidents to clean up,” Cooper said. “And don’t forget to call my
mother and set up a dinner.”

I hadn’t forgotten. I was hoping something would happen to
prevent me making that call. Maybe a natural disaster. Hey, we get a lot of
those in Oklahoma.
Last year there were two ice storms, a blizzard, a flood, three tornadoes, a
drought, and then 60 one-hundred degree days in a row. Just when I thought I’d
experienced all that Oklahoma
had to offer; last month there was an earthquake that knocked down an old brick
tower in the Miner’s Memorial Park, located in the center of Lottawatah. Odds
were that something else would happen if I could just delay making that call.

“Cooper, there’s a lot of static on the line. I didn’t hear
that last part. See you tonight!”

“Brianna, call–”

Okay, yes, I admit it. I hung up on him. He doesn’t understand
that my relationship with his mother is unpredictable. A couple of months ago,
she really hated me. Then hate sort of morphed into grudging tolerance. When I
was in the hospital, she was very kind. I thought we were really bonding. Then
the engagement happened and Sassy Jackson chilled up fast.

“Could I get a moment of your time?”

Startled, I glanced up. The elderly man in front of me was polite,
but not alive.

“Do you have an appointment?” Okay, I knew the answer
to that question before I asked it but really, I was going to have to set some
boundaries or the walk-ins would run me ragged. And of course there was Leon‘s
bladder to consider.

“My viewing is tonight and I wanted to warn you that my
wife and my brother will probably get into a shouting match if you don’t keep
them separated. He thinks she only married me for my money.”

“How long have you been married?” I was guessing he’d
married a younger woman and his family hadn’t approved.

“Fifty years come June,” he answered, sitting down
uninvited on the chair in front of my desk. “But my brother isn’t one to
change his mind. He’s been waiting for Emma to leave me, so he could say I told
you so.”

Fifty years was a long time. I don’t know if I could conceive of
living with Cooper for fifty years. What would we find to talk about after all
that time?

“I’ll make a note for Doc.”

Before I even finished my sentence he was gone.

I grabbed my purse and the set of keys that Doc Myers had given
me. I had an hour for lunch and about a dozen personal errands to run. I didn’t
have to be psychic to understand that having an 8-5 office job was going to
interfere with my normal routine.

Just before I walked out the front door, I stuck my head in the
three viewing rooms and let everyone know that I’d be back by one.

According to Doc, the viewings were generally set from 3 to 7
pm. Doc assured me that he’d handle the after-5 stuff. People in Lottawatah ate
early and liked to be home in front of their television or in bed before it got
dark. So the evening visitors were few and far between.

Today, although it was barely noon, there was already quite a
crowd gathering in one room. I could try to run them off, but these visitors didn’t
pay much attention to clocks, policies, or locked doors.

Not only the living attend funerals.


Zoned for Murder – Kindle (Exclusive at Amazon this month)

Brianna Sullivan Mysteries – e-book series
I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries- Kindle – NookSmashwords
The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah- Kindle (Exclusive at Amazon this month)
The Holiday Spirit(s) of Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
Undying Love in Lottawatah- KindleNookSmashwords
A Haunting in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Lottawatah Twister – KindleNookSmashwords
Missing in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords
Good Grief in Lottawatah – KindleNookSmashwords

Sullivan Investigations Mystery – e-book series
Murder Off the Books Kindle (Exclusive at Amazon this month)
Murder Takes the Cake KindleNookSmashwords
Riley Come Home (short story)- KindleNookSmashwords
Moonlighting at the Mall (short story) – KindleNookSmashwords

Love Lessons – KindleNookSmashwords

Do What You Love & Love What You Do

by Lena Austin

Recently, I went to my critique partners with a problem. Sales were down, and my reviews were less than stellar. I believed this was directly related to the fact that I no longer enjoyed what I wrote. Frankly, I was sick of the stories I’d been telling. So much so I think my disgust showed in the writing.

Every word was pulled out of me like a reluctant tarpon from the sea, fighting every inch of the way. Writing had become mechanical, boring and a chore. I found myself resenting the obligation to sit down and write, knowing another deadline approached. I missed those glorious days when I sat at my keyboard with joy and tore pieces of my soul out to place on paper without a care in the world. I longed to find that piece of me I’d lost.

Perhaps some blame might be attributed to my anal-retentive attempts at perfection: Stimulus-reaction-perception-emotion-response, check the balance, check for passive, what’s the next GMC step in relation to the plot points, ad infinitum ad nauseum. Perhaps I’d gone too far, and stopped writing books I enjoyed in favor of the elusive goal of perfection. I may have come close to mathematically reconstructing the flower while missing the beauty of its flaws. Where was the fun in writing if I didn’t enjoy the books I wrote?

The last statement was so profound to me that I pondered the implications most of a day. Did I laugh insanely and toss my plots to the winds in shreds? Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not that strong. LOL! What I did was stop obsessing and let the characters speak. I listened to the small, quiet muse and found a new voice inside.

Her name was Madge Majesty, and she demanded that I step outside my usual genres and write a mystery. For months, I read and studied what made mysteries so intriguing. Surprisingly enough, I found myself hooked. Madge and her genre became a passion. I loved my story again!

I learned a lot from Madge and her friends. I hope to return to her world someday, and help her solve another crime.

Lena Austin

Note: Lena Austin’s books are published by Changeling Press E-Books. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults only due to sexually explicit scenes and adult language.

Writing blog: http://depravedduchess.blogspot.com/
Recipe and Pagan blog: http://third-infinity.blogspot.com/
Low Carb Diet blog: http://fatfrogdiary.blogspot.com/

What I Like and Don’t Like

Because I’ll be off visiting my daughters in southern California when this blog comes out I decided to follow what my blog mates have been doing and write a list of things about me, namely what I do and don’t like.

I don’t like TV and radio commentators and reporters from either party who are mean. Being mean is NOT reporting the news nor is it going to change how anyone thinks.

I don’t like people who presume I believe the same way as they do just because I don’t blast my beliefs all over the place.

I don’t like movies that are full of naked people, sex that doesn’t do anything for the story, and coarse language that’s only there for the shock appeal. (I know what people look like without their clothes and most look best covered up, after being married for 57 years I know all about sex and don’t need lessons, and I’m offended by the use of bad language when it isn’t necessary.)

I dislike negative people and avoid them–if I can’t, I think of ways to put them in my next book.

What I do like is a good mystery–one that entertains me and keeps me guessing to the end.

I also like to eat a good meal whether I cooked it or someone else did.

I love being around my family and friends. Nothing more delightful than seeing how the kids are maturing and learning what everyone is doing.

I love being around my church family who I know I can count on for prayer when I need it.

I love good movies: funny movies, scary movies, romantic movies, exciting movies.

I like Facebook despite its addicting qualities.

I love writing mysteries, I love my characters who seem real to me, and I enjoy meeting people who have read my books.

I like more things than I dislike and I tend to avoid the things that I dislike. Life is too short to waste time on things you don’t like.

Now you know more about me than you probably ever wanted to know, but my blog is done and I can go off and have fun with my daughters.
