On the Road Again
I’m writing this ahead of time because today hubby and I are headed from our place in the mountains over the flatlands, then the coastal mountains, down Highway 101 along the Pacific Coast to Santa Maria, California.
Once there, we will spend three days at the Santa Maria Fair in the Fine Arts Exhibit along with artists, I suppose, and a handful of authors. We’re doing readings, will have our books on display, and hopefully sell some. It will be interesting to see how will we compete with all the other intriguing things that are at a county fair. I’m always willing to try something once.
Actually, I think it’ll be fun. My time slot is 11 to 4 on July 15, 16, 17. That means we’ll have time for a leisurely breakfast and plenty of time in the evening to find a great restaurant with seafood and maybe even a movie theater close by.
We’ve been doing a lot of stuff around the house–cleaning up mostly, thankfully we’ve got a grandson in his twenties who manages to pop up here from time to time with a friend in tow. They usually need some money and I’m quite willing to pay for the work they do, and they’ve done plenty for us including remodeling and painting a couple of rooms so we could change our bedroom from upstairs to down.
Anyway, a nice vacation combined with book selling sounds pretty good right now. Maybe I might even get a few pictures.
Marilyn a.k.a. F. M. Meredith