Pajama Day
by: Joelle Charbonneau
My son loves preschool and for good reason. He gets to hang around with people his size, play games, do arts and crafts, sing songs, read books and get snacks all during a 2 ½ hour period. It makes me want to go to preschool. Molding Playdough sounds soothing.
Occasionally, the preschool has a special dress up day. Last semester it was, of course, Halloween. This semester they will celebrate pajama day. This Thursday, all the tots have been asked to come to school in their PJs. They are even invited to bring their favorite stuffed animal friend. Yes, I am totally jealous.
I mean, as writers we get kidded a lot about not having to get out of our pajamas. We can get up and walk over to our job without ever having to brush our teeth or get out of our footie pajamas. How cool is that, right? (Well, aside from the not brushing our teeth part. I mean, who really wants to go around all day with morning breath? That’s just icky.) I am almost embarrassed to admit that in my adult writing life I have never spent the day in my pajamas. (Yes, I am hanging my head in shame.) Every day I get dressed in my typical uniform of jeans and a sweatshirt (because it is winter folks and I am COLD), march the tot downstairs and go about the business of my mommy and writing life.
Why? Do I have an aversion to pajamas? Do I think I’m too good for them?
Ha! No way. I love the comfort of my PJs. But that’s the problem. They’re comfortable. Not to say my jeans and sweatshirts aren’t, but they’re “getting stuff done” clothes not “preparing to be unconscious” ones. The minute I put my PJs on my brain loses focus. I start thinking about what I should read before turning the lights out and what things I need to get done the next day. Chapter hooks and character development goes right out the window.
Which makes me wonder if I’m the only one that has this problem. I mean, do you lose all ability to “work” when you put your pajamas on? And if I’m not the only one, I have to admit I’m a bit concerned for the preschool teachers this week. I’ll have to let you know how pajama day turns out!