Tag Archive for: perspective

Making Hay

By Cathy Perkins

[Cathy is traveling with internet problems, so we’re featuring a past post of hers today.]

It’s hay making season in our mountain valley. The process is interesting, even if it does play havoc with my husband’s allergies. One of the things that surprised me, though, was the parallels I saw between making hay and writing. 

Stay with me. 

Let’s look at the hay process first. There are three basic requirements for growing hay: land, water and sun. Lots of each one. Once the grass reaches the right stage—tall, but not gone to seed—the ranchers start watching the weather even closer than they usually do. Hoping the forecast holds, they cut the grass in wide swathes and let it dry. 

Over the next few days, the ranchers fluff—okay, the technical term is swath—the hay so it dries evenly. Once the hay is dry, they can bail it into bricks that litter the field at regular intervals. 

This year’s first cutting looked terrific and the initial bids from Japan were $300/ton. The earliest cutters started bailing and there was happiness in the valley. 

Then the unexpected happened. A storm boiled over the Cascades and drenched the valley. All the grass still on the ground went from being prime hay to cattle feed—not even dairy cow feed—at a price that will barely cover the expense of bailing it. 

As soon as the sun reappeared and dried things out, the ranchers fluffed what was there and prepared to get it out of the field and make way for the next crop. 

There are other ways things can go wrong. Balers break and things get stuck. Weeds invade from untended land. But the men and women who ranch for a living keep going, raising hay for their horses and other people’s cows. 

So how is any of that like writing? 

Well, you start with three basic ingredients to create a story: writer, imagination and paper—lots of each one. The author nurtures the story to The End and fluffs and cuts and edits, hoping for that premium bid for the manuscript. But things outside the author’s control can ruin that venture. A decision somewhere else that Steampunk/Chick Lit/Romantic Suspense/Whatever is “dead” means that particular manuscript isn’t going anywhere except a closest or thumb drive. (Hmm… considering indie-pubbing yet?) 

Like a bale in the baler, words can get stuck. It’s much harder to find a repair person for a broken or missing muse than a clogged machine. 

Like the rancher, the writer keeps putting words on the page, creating stories, because that’s what writers do. 

 Can you think of any other parallels?

award-winning author of financial mysteries, Cathy Perkins writes twisting dark
suspense and light amateur sleuth stories.  When not writing, she battles
with the beavers over the pond height or heads out on another travel adventure.
She lives in Washington with her husband, children, several dogs and the
resident deer herd.
Her latest release is In It For The Money, book 4 in the Holly Price mystery series. 
To celebrate, So About the Money, book 1 in the series is currently on sale for 99 cents! 


by Bethany Maines

I was staring at an app advertisement on my phone the other
day when a brilliant idea for a novel came to me.  I’m not going to tell you what it is, because it’s awesome
and I don’t want the net gremlins to steal it.  But as I pondered the awesomeness that was my own idea, and
then shining beacon of sheer stunning gloriferousness that is my brain  (Yeah, I just made that word up.  What are you going to do about it?), it
occurred to me to wonder – what would happen to me if I didn’t have my brain?
And ok, yeah, obviously, dead. Plop.  But what about if I had someone else’s
brain?  We all look at the world
from the unique transponder of our brains. We see the world differently, if
only by a hair, than the person sitting next to us. 
For example, I have a friend who is somewhere around seven
feet tall.  That’s not an
exaggeration, that’s his actual height. 
We met in college and we had several classes, including life drawing,
together. (Life drawing, for those who haven’t been to art school, is code for
“drawing naked people.”)  For one
semester our life drawing instructor was a curly haired, 5’2” dreamer who once
suggested that zoning out while driving on the freeway was a good place to get
creative ideas.  (We don’t have
time to really go into that statement.) 
Anyway, at some point, she went around to my friend’s drawing board and
suggested that his perspective was wrong. 
He checked, he double checked, he thought about it, and then politely
suggested that he really did have it right.  She stared up at him, she stared at the model.  Then she drug a chair over next to him
and climbed up on it.  “Oh, nope,
you’re right.” Your perspective is just different when you’re an extra two feet
up in the air. 
Two feet and an entire picture changes. If I had someone else’s
brain, surely the ideas I have for writing books would be totally
different.  If I had them at
all.  But since I love my ideas, I
love my brain, I don’t think I’ll be heading to Dr. Frankenstein’s lab to test
out that experiment.  But go ahead
and thank your brain today, because it’s awesome.

Bethany Maines is the author of the Carrie Mae Mystery series and Tales from the City of Destiny. You can also view the Carrie Mae video or catch up with her on Twitter and Facebook.