by Maria Geraci
Every once in a while, a book comes along that not only engages me as a reader, but inspires me as a writer. I have to admit that I first read Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander well before I ever thought of becoming a writer. My husband gave me the book as a Christmas present some 20 some years ago. Being an avid reader, I devoured it in days (it’s a big book!) and instantly fell in love with the characters. Most especially the character of Jamie Fraser, a mid 18th century Scottish warrior torn between his love of country and his love for a time traveling modern 20th century woman.
If you’ve read Outlander, then you know what I’m talking about. Jamie is one of the most complex, interesting, and deliciously wonderful characters you’ll ever read. He’s smart, funny, heroic and strangely enough real. Yes, he has flaws. He’s not perfect. And yet, he is.
The novel Outlander is just the beginning of a wonderful series that’s not completed (part of me hopes it never will be!). To my delight and the delight of hundreds of thousands of fans world-wide, the novel had been turned into a mini-series on Starz. Soon (this May!) we can turn on our TVs and see the adventures of Jamie and Claire and a world that up to now, we’ve only been able to see in our imaginations.
If you follow Diana Gabaldon’s FB page (and if you’re a writer, you should. She offers some fabulous writing tips) then you’ll know that Starz recently put up a “pocket Jamie.” Or basically, a paper doll version of the actor playing Jamie Fraser. And yes, I did print and cut one out. It’s taped to my desk lamp where I sit and write. For inspiration, mind you.
Rather lovely, don’t you think? If you’re interested, you can go here for your own Pocket Jamie!