Tag Archive for: Thanksgiving

Oops, Late Again

I could’ve sworn I had a post already to go–but obviously I didn’t. Of course it might’ve disappeared into cyber space. That happens to me a lot.

My promotion for Kindred Spirits is winding down. I have three more events coming up: a book fair, a day in an antique store, and two days at an art gallery. Of course all this entailed making the arrangements and doing publicity both online and with the local newspapers and sending out flyers.

Once that’s over maybe I can concentrate on the holidays and perhaps doing some writing. I have two (yes two) new books I need to be working on. I have some ideas for one–but nothing for the other as yet. Sometimes I wonder why I’m doing all this–certainly isn’t to make money because I really haven’t. All the story tellers among us will tell you the same thing–we just have to do it.

My daughter invited us (hubby and me and son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter) to come for Thanksgiving in Southern California and we’re going! For the first time in ages I won’t have to cook. You have no idea how I’m looking forward to that.

For all of you as you head into the holiday season, I wish you all the best–and that you take the time to enjoy your family as I plan to do.
