Tag Archive for: Time Flies

February Already, Goodness!

Who besides me is having trouble with how fast time flies?

Seems like it was just the beginning of January and everyone was talking about their New Year’s Resolutions–now it’s time to gear up for income taxes. Eeeek!

The older I get, the faster the days go by. I’m an early riser, so I do get started early. But I’ve found that checking my email, answering it, doing things that I have to do that comes in the email, and taking a peek at Facebook, making sure I’ve promoted whatever is on my own blog for the day http://marilynmeredith.blogspot.com and whatever household chores really must be taken care of, half the day is gone.

I sure don’t remember the time disappearing like that back when I was raising five kids, working half day, and going to college in the evenings. Somehow I managed to grocery shop, cook, clean, do the laundry, and homework.

I’m working on a new book and though I have plenty of ideas I’m finding it difficult to find the time to actually write.

Oh, I know what you’re going to say, write first, then do all the other stuff. I know that’s what I should do, but what if there’s something really important in my email?

This month will go by even faster because it’s shorter than all the rest.
