Tag Archive for: What I did and learned on my vacation

What I Did and Learned on My Vacation

Middle daughter, me, eldest daughter, hubby, great-granddauther

We had a glorious five days in Murrieta and Temecula visiting our eldest daughter and her hubby and her two children (our grands) and their five kids (our greatgrands.)

Everyone came to visit lots. We ate delicious food in wonderful restaurants.The greatgrand in the photo cut my hair. She recently graduated from beauty school and had just graduated the night before from highschool.

We enjoyed Old-Town Temcula, tasted olive oil and vinegar pairings–ended up buying a set.

We went to the movies to see San Andreas–excting, and especially when you live in California.

Now to get the leaning part that ties all this into mystery writing a bit.

On our way home we turned onto a freeway going the wrong direction, got off to come back the right way and spotted a Taco Bell and decided to make a potty stop. Daughter (who was our driver) rushed off, and I did too–my big mistake. I tripped over one of those yellow bumps on the sidewalk in front of the handicapped parking.

Down I went, kaboom. Fell on my side, hitting my head kaboom! Taco Bell workers came out and looked and fled back inside. A nurse driving by pulled in and took one look at me and the blood pouring out of my temple and called 911.

What I tripped on, hit my head on that curb, and my blood.

Had my first ambulance ride, and first time to be the patient in the emergency room. By the way, this was a crowded but most well-run emergency room. Had a CT scan of my brain and X-rays of my back and side.

Though no breaks were seen in my ribs–that’s what bothers me most. So what I’ve learned is how badly ribs hurt when they are injured–no way does someone who’s been kicked in or has broken or even bruised ribs jump up and do all sorts of physical moving around. I couldn’t even lie down to sleep for four days, and even when I could, it hurt.

Will I use any of this experience in a book? Probably bits and pieces.

I’m just thankful that nothing more serious happened–and from now on, I’m not walking on that yellow, bumpy bit of sidewalk that seems to be everywhere.

And aside–I’ve sent my next Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery off to the publisher.
