Tag Archive for: work

Clicking Our Heels – Writing: Passion or Work?

Clicking Our Heels –
Writing: Passion or Work?

Stiletto Gang members all
write, but the question is why? Read on to find out whether we consider writing
a job, a passion or a hobby and whether our emotional reaction to it has

Kay Kendall – I consider
writing to be my calling. I have always written, even in my previous job. I
just never wrote fiction before I took it up ca. 1999. I didn’t think I had any
stories to tell. Now I do have them. I just needed more confidence, and a bit
of age, in order to feel comfortable in telling my stories. 

Linda Rodriguez – To me,
writing is my vocation, which means it’s my job, but it’s also a passion.

If I
never needed to earn another dollar again, I would still write.

Sparkle Abbey – It’s
always been a passion and for both of us simply a part of who we are. Like many
others we’ve always written and have had a love for words. Since signing a
contract for our first four books in 2010, it’s had to become more of a job
because we have deadlines to deal with. That’s been an adjustment but one we’re
okay with. We just signed a contract for more books, so we’re excited to
continue writing the Pampered Pets mystery series. 

Cathy Perkins – Writing is
both a (second) job and a passion. Being time constrained takes a toll on me,
especially when my creative side has to take a back seat to the part of my life
that comes with a paycheck. Fortunately, my husband sleeps through me turning
on the light at 3 A> to scribble down scene ideas and snippets of dialogue. What,
your subconscious doesn’t keep right on writing at night? 

Kimberly Jayne – Writing
is definitely not a hobby for me. It’s a job that I’m passionate about,
although I dislike referring to it as a “job,” which for me carries a negative
connotation. It reminds me too much of the day jobs I’ve had over my lifetime
that I didn’t want to go to each day but, of course, had to. Writing has become
more important to me over the years because I feel, like many, that time is
running out to achieve the many writing goals I had set for myself when I was
in my twenties. If fulfills me in a way it didn’t previously as well, which I
think comes from acquiring the confidence and competence in my skills and
talents that I didn’t have when I was young. 

Debra H. Goldstein
Passion. I walked away from a lifetime judicial appointment to pursue writing,
at whatever level I am capable of, because of the joy it gives. 

Paffi S. Flood – As a job.
I have a routine to where I’m at my laptop every morning at 9:00 to do
something. It isn’t always writing. It could be something as simple as plotting
out a scene for clarity,

but I do it. That’s the only way I can make progress
on my manuscript.

Jennae Phillippe – All of
the above. Sometimes it feels like more work than other times. I am at my best
when I can tap into writing as a passion, and at my worse when it feels like a
chore. I think when I start to think like a publisher and imagine what sort of
stories are marketable, it feels the most like a job, and when I think like
that 14-year-old kid who just wanted to write fantastical stories, I enjoy it
the most. I just need to think like a marketing savvy 14-year-old and I’ll
crack the writing code. 

Bethany Maines – With my
day job as a graphic designer, I’ve learned that having a passion IS work. But
writing has evolved over time to be something that was just for me, into
something that is more outward facing and shaped for an exterior audience. 

Paula Gail Benson – Yes.
Since 2013, when I seriously began making submissions, it has been a job. It
remains a passion. It’s no longer just a hobby, because even if I’m writing to
help a group with which I’m affiliated, I have to take credit for my prose and
know it will be judged with professional standards.

Writing Emotionally

by Bethany Maines

Just so you know, I’m writing this blog under duress. I have
this great idea for a story where I give one of my characters a heart attack
(literally) and instead I’m having to do other, actual work. The horror! How
dare real life interfere with the creation of fiction? This is exactly the kind
of feeling that leads to me receiving emails from my boss saying things like
“For an illustrator, you sure type a lot.” Of course I type a lot! I’m writing
a whole novel over here. 
Sheesh.  Oh wait, you’re not
paying me to write a novel? Rigghhhhht. Got it. I will attempt to remember that
and to actually care. Fortunately, these days I’m more or less self-employed (I
have a business partner who eyes me suspiciously if I start to wander off too
much), but it’s still surprising how much the pursuit of a second career
interferes with the first one.
Meanwhile, as excited as I am about my new idea, it occurs
to me that many of my ideas lately have involved a strong element of hospitals,
death and dying. I attribute this to the fact that my friends and I, in the
last year or so, have been experiencing the loss of parents and grandparents at
a rate that I think is rather alarming. However, my hair cutter described the
issue with humorous sangfroid as just a light bulb problem. “Well, it’s like
light bulbs, if you put them in all at once they all tend to, you know, go out
all at once.” True enough, and I even laughed, but it’s always different when
they’re your light bulbs.
They say that art imitates life, or vice versa, but I think
fiction imitates therapy. I can’t afford to go see a therapist about my
unresolved feelings about people dying and all life eventually ending, but I
can make my characters suffer and come to some sort of emotional resolution for
me. It works great, and it’s so much cheaper. Not to mention, that it let’s me
indulge my God complex without a therapist calling me on it. It does make me
wonder about other authors though. Shakespeare for instance – that’s a lot of
killing and cross-dressing for one dude. 
And what’s up with Beattrix Potter?  Can we say bunny fixation? But we love both those authors,
so maybe mental issues are cathartic to read as well as write?  I guess I can only hope.